Nous souhaitons vous informer de la parution d’une nouvelle version du prospectus d'Ixios Funds, portant sur les modifications apportées aux compartiments IXIOS GOLD et IXIOS ENERGY METALS. Il a ainsi été décidé pour ce compartiments les modifications suivantes:

Dans le compartiment « Ixios Gold » de la SICAV IXIOS Funds (Date d’effet 17/01/2025)

  • IXIOS Asset Management a décidé pour le Compartiment Ixios Gold :
  •      - la prise en compte des Principales Incidences Négatives de durabilité ;
  •      - l'ajout de précisions sur les paramètres de sélection de l’univers d’investissement ;
  •     - la création de la classe d’action I – CHF aux paramètres équivalents aux autres actions I / I – EUR mais avec le Franc Suisse de devise de cotation et de règlement.
  • Dans le compartiment « Ixios Energy Metals » de la SICAV IXIOS Funds (Date d’effet 17/01/2025)
  • IXIOS Asset Management a décidé pour le Compartiment Ixios Energy Metals :
  •      - la prise en compte des Principales Incidences Négatives de durabilité ;
  •      - l'ajout de précisions sur les paramètres de sélection de l’univers d’investissement.

Par ailleurs, le prospectus et les statuts de la SICAV ont été modifiés pour refléter l’absorption du compartiment Ixios Convictions par Ixios Special Situations intervenue le 27 décembre 2024.

 Vous trouverez dans la lettre aux actionnaires disponible sur le lien suivant les informations relatives au nouveau prospectus .

Ces modifications prendront effet le 17 Janvier 2025.

Lettre aux Actionnaires - janvier 2025

To use this internet website, you must read and understand the website conditions of use, in particular the legal and regulatory restrictions which apply to all investments made in the funds mentioned in this Internet website (hereafter referred to as the "website").

Please read attentively the information below, for your protection and in your own interest.

The following pages of this website may contain information presenting collective investment schemes not registered in France or in the country from where you wish to access the information. Access to this information may be governed or restricted by the laws or regulations which are applicable to the website visitor, particularly the laws of the country in which the website visitor is situated. This website is not meant for use by persons in countries in which (for reasons pertaining to the nationality of the persons, their place of residence or any other reason) the distribution of or access to this website is forbidden. As a visitor to this website, it is your responsibility to be aware of and to respect all applicable laws and regulations.

The registration countries of the collective investment schemes managed by IXIOS ASSET MANAGEMENT open to non-professional investors are indicated on each fund's page.

Information contained within this website should in no way be interpreted as an offer to buy or sell shares or units in a Fund and are under no circumstances intended for countries within which any such offer, sale or recommendation is forbidden. The distribution of this information does not constitute either a subscription offer, or personalized advice. We recommend that you ensure that you are fully informed before taking any investment decision. All decisions to subscribe to any fund must be taken on the basis of the full prospectus and based on the review of the KIID.

Past performances are by no means a guarantee of future yields. All investments may lead to losses or to gains.