
For the second consecutive year, Ixios Asset Management has been rewarded the LuxFLAG ESG label, demonstrating its strong commitment to sustainable investment in gold mining.

LuxFLAG (Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency - https://www.luxflag.org) is an independent and international non-profit organization that aims to promote capital raising for sustainable Investment sector. Launched in May 2014 as Europe's first ESG label, the LuxFLAG label is recognized for its high standards and rigorous assessment of candidate funds' ESG holdings, strategy, and investment procedures.

ESG has always been part of Ixios AM's DNA. Since its creation, Ixios promotes ESG characteristics and integrate those factors in the investment process of the funds it manages. Mining industry has long been considered a polluting sector and excluded from the investment universe by many conventional managers, whereas we believe a greener future cannot happen without the participation of mining industry supplying the metals key to the energy transition we are experiencing. Being an active investor in the mining industry, we are proud that our investment philosophy has been recognized by the undisputed sustainable investing specialist, which is likely to create long-term value to our investors and enable circular economy among the communities where our mines operate.  

David Finch, CEO of Ixios Asset Management said:

"Most of mining fund managers have already laid down their arms in the fight for a sustainable world. It is not mandatory for asset managers to incorporate ESG factors in their investment decisions. In the past, mining was essentially regarded as mass pollution sector. Nowadays, tools and machines used in the extraction process have been improved significantly. Companies can act more responsibly if they give themselves the means. At Ixios, we firmly believe that through thorough analysis both financial and extra-financial, coupled with best use of our voting rights, we can influence the strategy the investee company takes and generate positive impacts on the company’s financial performance. The renewal of LuxFLAG ESG label reaffirms Ixios' commitment to work towards sustainable investment in the mines of future."

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