Ixios Asset Management believes that promoting ESG factors is important to support sustainable development of companies we invest in, and that companies operated in the best standards are likely to deliver superior performance against peers and thus outperform over the long-term. Ixios is specialized in managing global concentrated thematic funds with rigorous investment process to create long-term shareholder value.

In our view, ESG considerations are key for controlling risks, particularly in mining industry where operations could cease due to loss of permit as result of environmental, social incidents, or non-respectful management behavior.

Ixios builds its ESG investment policy upon principles and processes outlined in the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”), of which Ixios is a signatory. Furthermore, ESG factors are an integral part of the investment process of our two UCITS mining funds Ixios Gold and Ixios Energy Metals, which adopt best-in-universe approach (20% selectivity) based on internal ESG rating and promotes ESG characteristics in accordance with Article 8 of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”).

As an active investment manager we will use our voting rights to influence investee company direction in a sustainable manner and address ESG issues when deemed necessary with management team during our meetings and on-site visits. We believe that social and environmental responsibility, along with good governance, are an integral element of running a successful organization. For more information on our ESG approach, please contact our team. You can also view the relevant ESG documents below.

Transparency Code
Exclusion policy
ISR Charter
Shareholder commitment policy SFDR Information Article 10 - Ixios Gold SFDR Information Article 10 - Ixios Energy Metals Climate reporting - 2022 (Article 29 LEC report) ESG PARAMETER SCORE EVOLUTION REPORT

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